2014年6月30日 星期一
超越教育!線上學習新革命:葉丙成 (Ping-Cheng Yeh) at TEDxTaipei 2013
這 葉老師 果然不錯.
台大電機系副教授 葉丙成:為老師贏回尊嚴 - 天下雜誌540期
video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7htkDYcZHUg
葉丙成,號丙紳,現任台大電機系副教授、台大 MOOC 計畫執⾏⻑。
其為師也,富熱情,常難忍教學一成不變。時於臉書輔導學⼦求學、⼈生之惑,後撰文部落格以惠同惑者,傳閱者眾。庚寅年某⽇見某⽣於課堂度孤,當夜不能寐。翻滾⾄至五更,幡然悟得「by the students, for the students, of the students」之心法。⾃此教學通脫不拘,⼤開大闔,開發各式獨特教學法。教學深具特⾊,多有⼝碑,其簡報與表達課程收徒四十,初選常達數百眾。
• 他是有史第一個在國際舞台 (Coursera) 以華語對萬⼈人講學、互動的老師。
• 他是台灣第一個設計體驗式簡報教學法,讓⼩小學⽣生打大學⽣期末簡報分數的⽼師。
• 他是世界第一個將大規模開放式線上課程 (MOOC) 變成多人競技線上遊戲的老師。
• 他是當代第一個推行「緣源流機率⽂學創作」的⽼師。
MOOC pioneer, Innovative educator
He has pioneered many educational experiments and designs:
• He is the first to teach a MOOC (Coursera) course in Chinese with over eleven thousand students, the largest class ever in Chinese history.
• He is the first in the world to design a MOOC-based multi-student social game to enhance the learning experience of the MOOC students.
• He is the first to design various experiential learning schemes and first to build an e-learning platform that enables college students to be graded by elementary school students on their presentation skills.
• He is the first to create and promote the style of designing mathematical problems with creative literary writing.
Since 2010, Prof. Yeh has been a strong advocator of his teaching philosophy: "by the students, for the students, of the students". It states that students can be motivated to learn if the teachers can share more responsibility with the students, for instance, let students design their own homework problems. Prof. Yeh's speeches have motivated many teachers to start thinking differently in teaching.
Influenced by his father, Prof. Sheng-Nian Yeh, and inspired by Prof. Po-Wen Hsu of NTUEE, Prof. Yeh is devoted in student counseling. He also constantly writes blog articles to help resolve students' confusions about life and learning. The articles are shared among many students.
Prof. Yeh is currently the director of NTU MOOC Program. He is also possibly the first NTU professor to meet the University President by sporting a ponytail...
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