God Bless Taiwan!323反服貿:English/French/German/Spanish/Korean ON MY BLOG
= 天佑台灣!英/簡體字/法 /德//中 /西//韓English/French/German/Spanish/Korean
Taiwan violent cops dare ( violence & attack & beat & the
use of force ) to fight unarmed innocent ( & no violence did &
counterattack ) FTV reporter who & lawyers & professors &
students sit ... ...... these are too hateful and violent police too
far, ( see TV NEWS VIDEOS more violent picture is even worse hit :
Taiwan ranks improper enforcement violent cops who beat people in Taiwan
= true called Taiwanese sad ! ! ) some violent police who beat Taiwan
's people should not be illegal to play ! ! been hit most people may not
be back to discuss fair . ( especially the chance to shoot what the
police were violent pain Taiwan Wai assault and heavy weapons to fight
without holding innocent villagers Taiwanese people folks ......... some
victims even photographed face police who are not necessarily found .
might just take shot from the side . .... ; he will not be self-dealing ,
because he does not love the people depending on you but they can not
fight violence FTV reporter who ah ) ? ! ! !
The heads of angry sun cakes are eaten papers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euG1MS_SjnM
FTV reporter was beaten by riot police madness VIDEO: FTV reporter was
beaten by riot police madness VIDEO:
Taiwan VIDEO. Illegal police can not hit each other . Amnesty
International issued a document warning at 3/21/2014 Taiwan police can
not use force / police beat unarmed students & lawyers & medical
staff "Police Kill " distressed student restore the site - ! ! ! Really
crazy dry / / Students & Lawyers & medical staff did not take
the weapons to attack police and government and anyone ; ! " unlawful
police can not enter the other press release Amnesty International said
very clearly , any response must be in accordance with the degree of
threat to police compliance with the principle of proportionality . " / /
liberty Times WRITE: " people most distressing is that the police hit
exhausted , turned, full of sweat dripping face, is proud smile , very
proud . " / .
VIDEO-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXYrkShwJs
God Bless Taiwan 3 23 counter- suit trade CASE:! English / French /
German / Spanish / Korean = English / Simplified Chinese / French /
German / Chinese / Spanish / Korean ( because of seven kinds of foreign
content is too long , the whole inconvenience stickers on this FB) wrote
in : BLOG: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1327264198
* [Political repression users bombers hospital : Police tear armbands hide ]
http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/liveNews/news.php ......
( Everywhere " , some students hit the Executive Yuan and the public last night , triggering fierce clashes police / / /
Some testimony was suppressed police violence , over the course when
the eviction
Lead police clashed ; wounded byはをseek justice rather Butでki ru ma koとす기타 불법 경찰 이 입력 할수 있습니다 보다?.
& Chinese & French & Germany & Korean on my blog:
http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1327245233 [Executive
Yuan repression users Boom: Police tear armbands hide]
5,000 police drive against the strong students , strong jet of water to victims
Great harm ( = 10 tons considerable force ; and 6 degrees with a strong water
violence strong drive Taiwanese ... ; Some police violence hit .. ) ,
and even the media has also been strong burly water column ( 10 tons
considerable force ) wrecking many unarmed ! !
Defense of the people of Taiwan , heavy locomotive also wrecking , and most of you are
Imminent clothing trade
CNN reported ~ https://www.facebook.com/cnninternational?fref=ts face book
Bless Taiwan ! Watching live screen. I and many Taiwanese are very sad.
Looking at several of the police when the fight over the people of
Taiwan ( starts playing the body , playing with a shield discharge
pressure foot and just watch TV NEWS & people visit and took the
injured Taiwanese words & injury .. ; injured person can seek
justice it? ) we are crying and we also want to injured students were
beaten & crying & sad ! ! ! some are playing sit- and students
did not destroy the public service , ( although some people to destroy
public and the sun eating cake pie .... who , some say put a thousand
dollars stolen from a drawer & ..... etc. thing is wrong thing. )
everyone on the part of the government is very sad ! ! some words only
can OS, I would not have come TYPE
Kazuma Kasim WRITE: police expelled movie lazy bag
Police are also a part of the voices ( dry burst of excitement waiting for students ) , only for individual behavior
* There is a photograph of the young man police " storm warning " it yet PHOTO:!? Http://ck101.com/thread-2948720-1-1.html
* Raise one centimeter to the police armed with sticks - you can not hit the key
Remove the police beating No.
Trampling of democracy in Taiwan
https://fbcdn-sphotos-ca.akamaihd.net/....../1926896 ......
Variety of information broadcast
http://hackfoldr.org/....../http% 253A% 252F% 252Fecfa ......
Sisy Chen discredit student
https://scontent-a-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/....../970040 ......
108 blocked DPP Taiwan and China concluded agreements Disposal Ordinance
Sorry, no longer stand up - a business owner in the eyes of services trade
Caught by the police -SOP
https://fbcdn-sphotos-fa.akamaihd.net/....../1962738 ......
violence ! This fight will kill people ! A doorman to the front edge to
protect students , while gathering evidence , has also been hit by a
shield , dragging play ; very much hope this is not true .
Taiwanese 323 Case with videos, police & students & lawer Blog:
Each Message CNN FB News : English English / Taiwan TAIWAN students on
strike and called on China to protest the controversial clothing trade
chaotic first seven days BLOG:
International on 3/ 21 Taiwan has issued a document warning the police
can not use force . But it really happened. Please spread out wide .
There are now a lot of people on the Internet saying that the earlier
law student , was hit so badly beaten deserve . Who said these words ,
this is no rule of law in Taiwan , the KMT is no concept of human rights
education to teach them brainwashed .
Not to mention they play not only students, but even lawyers , medical personnel are playing ! Really crazy !
Each is deleted once , I'll send it again ! Police photographed intentionally hit with a shield :
VIDEO-2: http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=EIzNmgdTUwM
VIDEO-3: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/....../20140324/365773/
illegal police can not enter ; Amnesty International 3/ 21 issued a
document warning the police can not use force against Taiwan / Taiwan
police beat unarmed students & lawyers & medical staff hit
really crazy bloody dry ! ! ! !
Taiwan Police & countries police men: photo:
anti clothing trade - Police po Man - We are not enemies - but standing
on the opposite side of his comrades -130709451.html
You can also reject the wrong command to select people standing side
* One minute they get clothing trade agreement taxonomy version
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQrc7R_3XjQ
14 photos please must see .
police blocked media shoot ! photos:
a man was hit bloodshed title please see :!!.
http://thehousenews.com/politics/% E6% 88% 91% E5% 8F% 8D% E6% 9C% 8D%
E8% B2% BF-% E9% 8E% AE% E6% 9A% B4% E8% AD% A6% E5% AF% 9F% E8% AA% AA%
E8% A6% 81% E6% 88% 91% E7% 9A % 84% E5% 91% BD / #.
Police Brother , what do
you have mercy ? ( Sobbing ) PHOTO:
" " Police Kill " distressed student restore the site - Freedom
Newsletter Instant News : Just press release is deleted on the home
network , you do not see content
FTV reporter was beaten by riot police madness
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJdivOaj7S0
also cry bloody student parent : This country crazy | Breaking News |
20140324 | Apple Daily 3 PHOTOS:
oh, my GOD. , I believe she wrote .
http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fimgur.com% 2FOTxMxSH
& h = 5AQHXaC70AQHC0MHxwxYvkGD2Xxkk_FYebCUGGckID-W0VA & enc =
& s = 1
Officials , you hear the demands of the student anti- suit trade it?
You care about the sun cake is eaten , the existing double your money back to you people eat enough !
rusty brains because they do not care about the students with the
demands of the sun only care about the cake ! PHOTO: allows you to eat
your fill . " 157 Yuan direct sun cake boxes
We recommend all black version to this version .
Do not let social injustice once again spread | special reprint | Home News
2,690 people recommend this .
Water cannons cleared nonviolence ? | Home reports | Home News
Main header mug shot photos & Zhang also suggested that black has available this word.
Well- r photo of photo:
Fang Ning Yang burst you hiding here commanding police beat students
video. within one minute they get clothes free trade agreements ,
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQrc7R_3XjQ
was hit unarmed students , expelled students actually use to SWAT team ?
Jiang Yi Hua Your police are hedgehogs do PHOTO-1:?
[ We need help , forward ]
can not tolerate arbitrary government , they can do, but as a citizen
or an obligation to pursue a more equitable and just society in Taiwan .
against bloodshed that occurred today ( 0324 ) morning, if you do have
any Sasuke state violence , police brutality photos, videos , send to :
* Police began to pull people sit- fast 2 min, a police shield suddenly started beating people sit-
VIDEO - 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXYrkShwJs&hd=1
Home News :: Anti clothing trade, riot police said to my X; certain
police officers rushed to take the baton . He said Taiwanese : X your
mother , O talking about look , X call you X: PHOTO:
http://thehousenews.com/politics/% E6% 88% 91% E5% 8F% 8D% E6% 9C% 8D%
E8% B2% BF-% E9% 8E% AE% E6% 9A% B4% E8% AD% A6% E5% AF% 9F% E8% AA% AA%
E8% A6% 81% E6% 88% 91 % E7% 9A% 84% E5% 91% BD / #.
g0v maneuver
broadcast group to the Executive Yuan ( offline ) = g0v.tw support
network and televised live : " TV is not broadcast , webcast " !
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTxGjgRu3Xs
◎ Sanli News Live Live URL:
◎ latest news in " clothing trade battle ," Special Report :
* Executive Yuan scene News : http://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/201403245006-1.aspx
* MAST topic constantly updated : http://goo.gl/ar7jBv
* MAST text of the agreement : http://goo.gl/V1nGP2
* Presidential press conference Full Text : http://goo.gl/br2fis
Joint : Executive Yuan fall storming expelled
When : thousands of riot police expelled artificial representing the Executive Yuan
Freedom: Premier Jiang ordered expelled from the armed violence
Apple: the fall of the Executive Yuan police expelled Antiaris
/ Jane / French / German / Chinese / Korean (English & Chinese
& French & Germany & Korean on my blog:
Changed this better PHOTO:
lot of people very angry police force against violent hate playing the "
anti- trade services " Students started crying female students , male
and female students were playing crying police deliberately hit " No
media in the" backcourt students ; ! ! . ; ; 324 is Taiwan Youth . Anti-
serving trade ~ ~ ~ ~ I support .......
If I were the
police I will strike & do not hit the students , if we feel that
the boss is too sinister , most people will leave & will give hair
the boss , the boss to do the government police killings , police are
working anyway , it wants to take orders from you ? ? Police on homicide
? ? you should not obey it without thinking the police so the police
were not violent it should not have to fight .. fight ; . ? ? police
heard it when life just a lot of news there is talk about many things ..
I did . inconvenience to speak . watching TV NEWS are crying ! ! there
people are the police boss son. could beat the boss you ? ? police to
take taxpayer money when salary yeah ! TV NEWS people have been talking
about "The police have been working hours to Jesus " ( I guess the
police from talking about ) ; improper police enforcement will be
punished not the police have good and bad judges have good and bad do
not know why a lot of people have written that the police obey posted
beating ( ! ! ! ! when ooo tool ) Yes ( 2 women do not play that
mainland Taiwanese men in Taiwan & ... ) ; ! ! [ Chen Chu : improper
police enforcement to be bitter condemnation ]
http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/liveNews/news.php ......
the future of Taiwan , come on! Anti- black box clothing trade
agreements / FeiFan reaction really fast / Yuan mouth " Sun cannon " is a
mob , not revolutionary Sun Yat-sen , the government has now ? Please
respect the rights of the people called for Ma ! / A lot of people very
angry police force against violent hate playing the " anti- trade
services " Students ! Started crying female students , male and female
students were hit cried ! Police deliberately playing the " no media "
backcourt students.
God Bless Taiwan 323 counter- suit trade :!
English / French / German / Spanish / Korean = English / Simplified
Chinese / French / German / Chinese / Spanish / Korean : BLOG:
http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511 / post/1327264198
lot of people very angry police force against violent hate playing the "
anti- trade services " Students ! Started crying female students
Above: on blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511
3/23 below: pushing the scene took place , we have to pay attention to safety ah !
War ! Black Island Green occupied the Executive Yuan : the obligation to resist dictatorship
http://www.ettoday.net/news/20140323/338105.htm ......
The scene is quite chaotic , it has been injured to hospital ! Jiang Yi Hua Yuan scored 2,000 people stormed the office
BLOG: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/132723365
20:39 very kind ! Great! Students doing good ! ! Classmates Come on!
War ! Black Island Green occupied the Executive Yuan : the obligation to
resist dictatorship , pushing the scene
Blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1327233324
minutes short film , What is a " black box " clothing trade ? What are
the terms of trade agreements is the most dangerous ? In response to the
latest student protest President Ma and published 32 -word mantra
blog: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1327231032
is the clothing trade agreements clothing trade agreement enters into
force, which affected the work and you have a free trade agreement
imminent clothes ; ? ? Allows you to quickly understand the meaning of "
Agreement on Trade in Services ."
BLOG: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/christine1511/post/1327150234
We forget that 308 & 3 / 29 anti-nuclear road race RUNNING / RUN.
On Suan over 4 to 14 days , Taiwanese are forgotten quickly.
As long as the child , not nuclear
March 8,2014 22:49
As long as the child , not nuclear
Really winter rain and rain mixed feelings day.